What People Are Saying

Hermien Von Graevenitz
Hermien Von Graevenitz’ Organic Acids Blend | islander’s pineapple

I was diagnosed with Hashimotos thyroiditis about 3 years ago. Subsequently, I consulted with a homeopathic doctor who suggested I do an organic acids test – that is how I was introduced to TAILORBLEND. My symptoms included severe fatigue, dry skin, eyes and hair, hair not growing and falling out, body aches and pains, skin break outs and more… by the time I started my second container of my specifically formulated TAILORBLEND mix, I saw a marked difference in literally every symptom I had. My hair even started growing again! Best part is the convenience of it all: one scoop in the morning in a glass of water and that’s it. No pill swallowing, no extras to take to work, everything my body needs in one very nice tasting drink! Will definitely recommend it to anyone.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Heidi New
Heidi New’s DNA Blend | crushed orange

The thing that I love the most about TAILORBLEND is that I know I am getting everything I need in one bottle. I don’t need to go to the pharmacy every month, and try and figure out what vitamins I should buy. It’s all done for me. I use TAILORBLEND in conjunction to eating a balanced diet and have managed to lose 10kg this year, and I am maintaining it. I also love that I can buy it online and it arrives within a couple of days.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Personalized DNA Blend | crushed orange

I started out with the Mixed Berry flavour for my DNA Blend, but now I enjoy Crushed Orange most. I drink it in the morning and it has definitely had a positive effect on my health. I feel mentally more focused and happier in a whole. The DNA blend is also a great immune support. All in all, a good investment in my health.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dr Tuschka Willemse
TAILORBLEND Practitioner

I work with unique individuals who have genetic defects, which contraindicates the use of generic brands of multivitamins, minerals, and amino acids on the market as OTC drugs. I also work with Geneway, a lab that tests the genetic profile of patients that show me where the problematic areas are with regards to micronutrients etc., making TAILORBLEND the ideal solution for my practice.
My patients love the idea of having an all-in-one solution that can be provided in different forms and flavours. Also, the fact that it is delivered to their homes is a big bonus as they already have hectic time schedules.
The feedback I have received, and still receive has been amazing and very positive. The products are well tolerated and effective (which I can see on the blood results).
I would recommend TAILORBLEND to all other health care professionals, especially in the case of complicated or unique cases.

Rating: 5 out of 5.


About us

From genetics and microbiome analysis to biosensors and questionnaires, people now have their health data at their fingertips, enabling data-driven blend formulations for maximum efficacy.